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Book & magazine contests

- dozens of designs, pick your favorite.

Answer a few simple questions, get dozens of designs and pick your favorite. Start a design contest today.

Filters applied
Showing 26,502 contests (Finished)
Showing 26,502 contests (Finished)
USD 749
Silver package purchased for USD 749
(including 99designs fees)
Medical professionals, those interested in medicine
Guaranteed Book cover
313 designs
USD 399
Bronze package purchased for USD 399
(including 99designs fees)
Teenagers and young adult, female, male and non-binary, queer audiences with and interest in the 70s and vintage style.
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
32 designs
Bronze package purchased for $589
(including 99designs fees)
chiropractors and owners of chiropractic clinics in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Canada and America - aged 30-50.
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
59 designs
USD 399
Bronze package purchased for USD 399
(including 99designs fees)
Women, 18 and up Women's fiction- Contemporary fiction, Romance
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
72 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
Guaranteed Book cover
181 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
27 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
Men between 18-55 who have found themselves struggling to achieve their full potential. Men with bad habits don’t stick
Guaranteed Book cover
286 designs
EUR 289
Bronze package purchased for EUR 289
(including 99designs fees)
Guaranteed Book cover
11 designs
EUR 479
Silver package purchased for EUR 479
(including 99designs fees)
people wanting to feel more positive and have quick strategies to raise their energy level.
Guaranteed Book cover
169 designs
Bronze package purchased for $589
(including 99designs fees)
Women who read commercial fiction. Lovers of romance but with a literary twist.
Guaranteed Book cover
181 designs
USD 399
Bronze package purchased for USD 399
(including 99designs fees)
Fans of historical fiction and/or spycraft.
Guaranteed Book cover
114 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
Demographics Gender (M/F/Both): Male 👨 Female 👩 Age range: 25 - 45 years old 📆 5 Common Struggles they
Guaranteed Book cover
105 designs
USD 399
Bronze package purchased for USD 399
(including 99designs fees)
People interested in the relationships niche - specifically focusing on toxic / abusive / manipulative relationships wit
Guaranteed Book cover
221 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
A working Mom with two or more kids (from new born to 19 years old), who has multiple responsibilities and commitments e
Guaranteed Book cover
147 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
Gender: Both male and female, as relationship anxiety can affect individuals of any gender. Age range:25-45 years old
Guaranteed Book cover
269 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
Older adults and caregivers with pain, difficulty with movement, and who have access to healthcare.
Guaranteed Book cover
96 designs
GBP 329
Bronze package purchased for GBP 329
(including 99designs fees)
Couples and individuals looking to evaluate their relationship and to get to CLARITY about how to take it forward.
Guaranteed Book cover
103 designs
USD 399
Bronze package purchased for USD 399
(including 99designs fees)
+18, male, female, America, Europe, Asia, Africa
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
25 designs
EUR 289
Bronze package purchased for EUR 289
(including 99designs fees)
Alle Menschen, die auf der Suche nach Veränderung sind. Die den kleinen Anstupser suchen, wie sie selbst etwas verändern
Guaranteed Book cover
74 designs
USD 1,199
Gold package purchased for USD 1,199
(including 99designs fees)
Male or female. 8% are in their 20's - 30's, 21% are 30-40 of age and 70% are over 40 years old.
Gold Guaranteed Book cover
163 designs
GBP 159
Bronze package purchased for GBP 159
(including 99designs fees)
Aimed at 4-8 year old girls.
Guaranteed Book cover
75 designs
CAD 269
Bronze package purchased for CAD 269
(including 99designs fees)
Target readers are predominantly new fathers or fathers-to-be. They may range in age but generally fall into the young a
Guaranteed Book cover
30 designs
CAD 549
Bronze package purchased for CAD 549
(including 99designs fees)
Teens who have a parent with multiple sclerosis. People with MS.
Book cover
95 designs
Silver package purchased for $1,099
(including 99designs fees)
This is a book for adults who like adventure, mystery, history and conspiracy theories.
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
64 designs
USD 1,199
Gold package purchased for USD 1,199
(including 99designs fees)
18+, mostly young professionals and college students; not targeted to a specific gender or cultural background
Gold Guaranteed Blind Book cover
305 designs
USD 399
Bronze package purchased for USD 399
(including 99designs fees)
mostly women, some men with kids ages babies to 20's. Age of reader likely 25-55 mostly in the US.
Guaranteed Book cover
275 designs
USD 399
Bronze package purchased for USD 399
(including 99designs fees)
Parents, teenagers, students, mental health workers, anyone who has anxiety and depression.
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
86 designs
USD 399
Bronze package purchased for USD 399
(including 99designs fees)
anyone who loves epic Fantasy adventure The Lost Chronicles of Eleinni the Silver is F.W. Duderstadt JRR Tolkien and Ste
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
63 designs
USD 499
Silver package purchased for USD 499
(including 99designs fees)
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
78 designs
EUR 759
Gold package purchased for EUR 759
(including 99designs fees)
Gold Guaranteed Book cover
168 designs