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Book & magazine contests

- dozens of designs, pick your favorite.

Answer a few simple questions, get dozens of designs and pick your favorite. Start a design contest today.

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Showing 25,888 contests (Finished)
Showing 25,888 contests (Finished)
USD 299
Bronze package purchased for USD 299
(including 99designs fees)
Open minded individuals who look for a bit of everything in their media. Target age group could be from 18-30.
Guaranteed Fast-tracked Book cover
49 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
Women, single Mom's, Seniors and anyone else that needs the help.
Guaranteed Book cover
41 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
Guaranteed Blind Fast-tracked Book cover
29 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
Age 21 and up, men and women.
Guaranteed Blind Fast-tracked Book cover
16 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
Gender: It has broad appeal but with a slight skew towards males who might feel societal pressure to be more assertive i
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
46 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
New mothers, generally first-time new mothers
Guaranteed Book cover
61 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
Teenagers, and parents of teenagers who are interested in learning about financial literacy
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
45 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
48 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
People in the U.S. over 55 years of age and looking for a trivia book with: Nostalgia, Challenge, Accessibility [large p
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
28 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
anyone interested in making honey, building a self sustained yard or just loves organic superfoods
Guaranteed Book cover
95 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
Primarily women over 60 but men too. Urban or suburban; At least high school educated
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
56 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
44 designs
USD 299
Bronze package purchased for USD 299
(including 99designs fees)
Women or anyone just needing some sunshine and encouragement.
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
49 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
Women between the ages of 25-45
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
51 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
Middle-aged women from 40 to 60 years old, with pre-diabetes or diabetes, or who do not have diabetes but have close fam
Blind Book cover
16 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
Senior Citizens between the ages of 55-75 male and female
Guaranteed Book cover
55 designs
USD 299
Bronze package purchased for USD 299
(including 99designs fees)
Leaders at any level across all industries.
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
211 designs
USD 299
Bronze package purchased for USD 299
(including 99designs fees)
People who are working in corporate positions, early 30s and up, struggling to find balance in their lives.
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
206 designs
USD 499
Silver package purchased for USD 499
(including 99designs fees)
The Republic Baseball League is a book series. The Target audience is baseball fans, baseball coaches and baseball playe
Blind Other book or magazine Entertainment & The Arts
15 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
95 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
Individuals who are experiencing relationship issues that are typical of the anxious attachment syndrome. My book is al
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
49 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
"The Power of Estate Planning for Retirement" offers a comprehensive strategy for securing a financial future. It covers
Guaranteed Book cover
62 designs
EUR 289
Bronze package purchased for EUR 289
(including 99designs fees)
Guaranteed Book cover
23 designs
CAD 269
Bronze package purchased for CAD 269
(including 99designs fees)
They range adults of all ages (women more than men), financial situations, and gardening spaces but share a common passi
Guaranteed Book cover
179 designs
GBP 329
Bronze package purchased for GBP 329
(including 99designs fees)
family of ageing parents, carers , children who have elderly parents, females mostly
Guaranteed Book cover
514 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
Fast-tracked Book cover
52 designs
USD 399
Bronze package purchased for USD 399
(including 99designs fees)
People who enjoy supplements and herbs to improve their well being
Guaranteed Book cover
220 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
The average adult 18-65+ who has a dream of starting their own business.
Guaranteed Book cover
174 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
Target Audience About the Reader Understanding who the readers are—primarily women aged 25-55, living in urban or subu
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
71 designs
USD 199
Bronze package purchased for USD 199
(including 99designs fees)
Adults and Seniors
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
62 designs