Logo design by RedLogo

Packaging & label contests

- dozens of designs, pick your favorite.

Answer a few simple questions, get dozens of designs and pick your favorite. Start a design contest today.

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Showing 20,347 contests (Finished)
Showing 20,347 contests (Finished)
USD 449
Bronze package purchased for USD 449
(including 99designs fees)
21-35 YR OLDs who like to get high. This is a mushroom product.
Guaranteed Product packaging Food & Drink
199 designs
EUR 429
Bronze package purchased for EUR 429
(including 99designs fees)
We target 3/4 groups: the creator (gen z), the career girl (gen z - millennial) and the young power mom (millennial). Ne
Blind Fast-tracked Product packaging Cosmetics & Beauty
15 designs
USD 809
Silver package purchased for USD 809
(including 99designs fees)
anyone who loves chocolate!
Guaranteed Product packaging Food & Drink
235 designs
EUR 429
Bronze package purchased for EUR 429
(including 99designs fees)
Men and women aged 30+ living in urban and suburban areas, earning 75k+ a year, eco-conscious but not a total tree hugge
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Food & Drink
28 designs
USD 799
Gold package purchased for USD 799
(including 99designs fees)
Our target audience is primarily older individuals who want to bring their blood pressure down. People also take beet ro
Gold Guaranteed Fast-tracked Product label Medical & Pharmaceutical
69 designs
USD 799
Gold package purchased for USD 799
(including 99designs fees)
Men, beer drinkers
Gold Guaranteed Blind Product label Food & Drink
13 designs
USD 299
Bronze package purchased for USD 299
(including 99designs fees)
Guaranteed Blind Product label Food & Drink
92 designs
EUR 429
Bronze package purchased for EUR 429
(including 99designs fees)
Our target group are people who love the luxury segment and put a lot of emphasis on fine dining. Our caviar is mainly s
Guaranteed Product packaging Food & Drink
64 designs
Bronze package purchased for $449
(including 99designs fees)
Wine drinkers from a broad range of age and demographics. Mostly young to middle-age, moderate to high income levels
Guaranteed Product label Food & Drink
55 designs
USD 299
Bronze package purchased for USD 299
(including 99designs fees)
all markets, sold in hotels, restaurants, high end to mid range establishments, grocery store.
Guaranteed Product label Food & Drink
66 designs
USD 449
Bronze package purchased for USD 449
(including 99designs fees)
Our products are used by a large demographic. Both men and women, although slightly more men. Age ranges from 21-70 year
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Agriculture
79 designs
GBP 249
Bronze package purchased for GBP 249
(including 99designs fees)
The target audience are quite young 25-45 but will need to appeal to older people aesthetically also. The younger audi
Guaranteed Blind Product label
27 designs
USD 1,199
Gold package purchased for USD 1,199
(including 99designs fees)
Our mushroom coffee blend is aimed at a broad audience, including: -Traditional coffee enthusiasts who are keen to ex
Gold Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Food & Drink
90 designs
EUR 429
Bronze package purchased for EUR 429
(including 99designs fees)
Hundeliebhaber die für Ihr geliebtes Haustier Wert legen auf Qualität.
Product packaging Animal & Pet
26 designs
USD 299
Bronze package purchased for USD 299
(including 99designs fees)
Car owners who wash their own car Truck owners (semi truck 18 wheelers) who wash their own truck Pickup truck owners
Guaranteed Product label Automotive
26 designs
GBP 369
Bronze package purchased for GBP 369
(including 99designs fees)
Grassabix are used by horse and pony owners and riders. We tend to have a greater female customer base than male. Custom
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Agriculture
50 designs
EUR 600
Custom package purchased for EUR 600
(including 99designs fees)
The product will be placed in higher lever supermarkets all over Germany. Accordig to experience the major part of the b
Guaranteed Blind Product label Food & Drink
63 designs
EUR 1,199
Gold package purchased for EUR 1,199
(including 99designs fees)
The target audience for this product includes couples of all ages who are looking to add excitement and spontaneity to t
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Retail
165 designs
USD 499
Silver package purchased for USD 499
(including 99designs fees)
We think that our product can appeal to anyone that likes to drink alcohol but that it will resonate most with someone t
Guaranteed Blind Product label Food & Drink
44 designs
USD 749
Silver package purchased for USD 749
(including 99designs fees)
Hispanic consumer 21 years of age to 45 years of age. The product would be consumed in night clubs and at home during ga
Guaranteed Product packaging Food & Drink
38 designs
EUR 429
Bronze package purchased for EUR 429
(including 99designs fees)
Our customer are mainly women that are between 20 and 40 years old.
Guaranteed Product packaging Cosmetics & Beauty
75 designs
USD 449
Bronze package purchased for USD 449
(including 99designs fees)
70% women 30% men. Age 20-50. Above average income level.
Guaranteed Product packaging Food & Drink
117 designs
EUR 289
Bronze package purchased for EUR 289
(including 99designs fees)
gourmet product targeted at consumers aged 30 to 80.
Guaranteed Blind Product label Food & Drink
38 designs
GBP 369
Bronze package purchased for GBP 369
(including 99designs fees)
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Retail
31 designs
USD 1,199
Gold package purchased for USD 1,199
(including 99designs fees)
Gold Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Food & Drink
162 designs
USD 449
Bronze package purchased for USD 449
(including 99designs fees)
This would be a birthday gift or holiday gift for children.
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Games & Recreational
16 designs
USD 449
Bronze package purchased for USD 449
(including 99designs fees)
Female fragrance lovers looking for a little indulgence or gifts. USA. Income level $30K-$250,000. Shops at Bath and Bod
Guaranteed Product packaging Cosmetics & Beauty
49 designs
USD 449
Bronze package purchased for USD 449
(including 99designs fees)
Female fragrance lovers looking for a little indulgence or gifts. USA. Income level $30K-$250,000. Shops at Bath and Bod
Guaranteed Product packaging Cosmetics & Beauty
68 designs
USD 449
Bronze package purchased for USD 449
(including 99designs fees)
My products are targeted towards women who aim to decorate their home and have love for natural beauty.
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Retail
55 designs
EUR 1,199
Gold package purchased for EUR 1,199
(including 99designs fees)
Our main public is people 18-55 that want to take care or their health and be sure they have the nutrients they needs ad
Gold Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Physical Fitness
149 designs