Logo design by RedLogo

Product packaging contests

- dozens of designs, pick your favorite.

Answer a few simple questions, get dozens of designs and pick your favorite. Start a design contest today.

Filters applied
Showing 9,681 contests (Finished)
Showing 9,681 contests (Finished)
USD 1,199
Gold package purchased for USD 1,199
(including 99designs fees)
Young, middle-aged men and women, growth mindset, personal development, health & wellness, eat healthy, upper income, de
Gold Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Medical & Pharmaceutical
200 designs
USD 749
Silver package purchased for USD 749
(including 99designs fees)
Women of all ages/ This is a fun product and good for gifting.
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Cosmetics & Beauty
149 designs
USD 629
Bronze package purchased for USD 629
(including 99designs fees)
As long as it is not inappropriate there is no certain demographic that this contest is geared towards, have fun with it
Guaranteed Product packaging Art & Design
74 designs
EUR 409
Bronze package purchased for EUR 409
(including 99designs fees)
Young adults to older people. Any gender. Higher income level
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Home Furnishing
61 designs
USD 1,424
Custom package purchased for USD 1,424
(including 99designs fees)
Please see the file customer_99 below. Please do not skip. Extremely important.
Gold Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Physical Fitness
69 designs
USD 809
Silver package purchased for USD 809
(including 99designs fees)
Both male and female health and wellbeing consumers that are interested in improving brain function such as memory, conc
Guaranteed Product packaging Food & Drink
198 designs
EUR 1,099
Gold package purchased for EUR 1,099
(including 99designs fees)
Gender: Women Age: Wide, not specific
Gold Guaranteed Product packaging Retail
32 designs
EUR 1,099
Gold package purchased for EUR 1,099
(including 99designs fees)
Gold Guaranteed Product packaging Cosmetics & Beauty
197 designs
USD 509
Bronze package purchased for USD 509
(including 99designs fees)
Our audience is Black women /African American women average age 25-45. Design should be soulful, trendy, eye-catching, p
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Fashion
354 designs
USD 509
Bronze package purchased for USD 509
(including 99designs fees)
Housewives, Dry Clean, Hospitals Hotels
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Industrial
71 designs
CAD 999
Silver package purchased for CAD 999
(including 99designs fees)
Young female customers who are interested in teeth whitening along with beauty cosmetic products
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Cosmetics & Beauty
52 designs
USD 1,499
Gold package purchased for USD 1,499
(including 99designs fees)
Men and Women ages 25-65 who are experiencing excessive cravings, constipation issues, and complications with digesting
Gold Guaranteed Product packaging
277 designs
USD 749
Silver package purchased for USD 749
(including 99designs fees)
Our surgical masks are used by everyone from hospitals and clinics to consumers of all demographics.
Guaranteed Fast-tracked Product packaging Medical & Pharmaceutical
54 designs
GBP 359
Bronze package purchased for GBP 359
(including 99designs fees)
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Cosmetics & Beauty
103 designs
USD 449
Bronze package purchased for USD 449
(including 99designs fees)
Health conscious people who are seeking for a premium and healthy on-the-go snack -Gender: Unisex -Not Age Specific
Guaranteed Product packaging Food & Drink
28 designs
USD 449
Bronze package purchased for USD 449
(including 99designs fees)
We will sell natural herbs,medicinal herbs, spices, herbal teas, honey, dried fruits and vegetables and similar natural
Guaranteed Product packaging Agriculture
45 designs
USD 449
Bronze package purchased for USD 449
(including 99designs fees)
Mostly female, purchased for use by family. All demographics.
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Retail
22 designs
USD 1,199
Gold package purchased for USD 1,199
(including 99designs fees)
Give nothing to the person that has everything. For the person that has everything, give them a beautiful box of nothin
Gold Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Retail
69 designs
Silver package purchased for $1,084
(including 99designs fees)
Our product is for deli's and smaller supermarkets. Moms buying for their kids. pensioners buying. people who cant cook.
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Food & Drink
92 designs
EUR 409
Bronze package purchased for EUR 409
(including 99designs fees)
Jeder der eine KĂŒche eigene KĂŒche besitzt Kinder haben dafĂŒr keine Verwendung Optimal fĂŒr Studenten die nicht viel pl
Guaranteed Product packaging
45 designs
EUR 409
Bronze package purchased for EUR 409
(including 99designs fees)
ENG Young people between 14 and 37 years old for their improvised lunches and dinners and for those over 37 to solve a
Guaranteed Product packaging Food & Drink
96 designs
EUR 464
Bronze package purchased for EUR 464
(including 99designs fees)
The sandpaper discs are being used by hobby workers but also by proffesionals. Mosty men. Young - Old.
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Construction
87 designs
GBP 359
Bronze package purchased for GBP 359
(including 99designs fees)
customers age from 35+ , who wants to be healthy and stay young for longer. our slogan is feel good, achieve more.
Guaranteed Product packaging Medical & Pharmaceutical
31 designs
USD 449
Bronze package purchased for USD 449
(including 99designs fees)
Our typical target audience is women, 30+ years old, but especially over 45. Income level 80k+. She is looking for more
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Cosmetics & Beauty
57 designs
USD 449
Bronze package purchased for USD 449
(including 99designs fees)
Fast-tracked Product packaging Medical & Pharmaceutical
21 designs
USD 449
Bronze package purchased for USD 449
(including 99designs fees)
Middle to upper income folks. Likely college educated and likely knowledge workers.
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Animal & Pet
103 designs
USD 449
Bronze package purchased for USD 449
(including 99designs fees)
Guaranteed Product packaging Retail
111 designs
EUR 409
Bronze package purchased for EUR 409
(including 99designs fees)
Parents with Babys
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Childcare
30 designs
USD 809
Silver package purchased for USD 809
(including 99designs fees)
Anyone who wants to learn how to track animals in the US.
Guaranteed Product packaging Education
116 designs
CAD 599
Bronze package purchased for CAD 599
(including 99designs fees)
Our community members are predominantly female, introverted, enjoy DIY hobbies and expression through art and music, hav
Guaranteed Blind Product packaging Cosmetics & Beauty
66 designs