Logo design by RedLogo

Product label contests

- dozens of designs, pick your favorite.

Answer a few simple questions, get dozens of designs and pick your favorite. Start a design contest today.

Filters applied
Showing 9,607 contests (Finished)
Showing 9,607 contests (Finished)
USD 299
Bronze package purchased for USD 299
(including 99designs fees)
Our target audience is mostly moms between the ages of 25 and 40 that are natural-minded/health conscious, and only want
Guaranteed Product label Cosmetics & Beauty
34 designs
EUR 269
Bronze package purchased for EUR 269
(including 99designs fees)
Friend circles, mostly female. Modern young fun urban people. Lower to mid income level.
Guaranteed Blind Product label Retail
88 designs
Bronze package purchased for $399
(including 99designs fees)
This is for Sale in Australia and New Zealand, mostly geared toward the discount Trade. Low income - but they would like
Guaranteed Product label Food & Drink
35 designs
JPY 32,199
Bronze package purchased for JPY 32,199
(including 99designs fees)
Sex: male, female Age: 30-40 Occupation: 9-5 job + side hustle, small business owners, or 9-5 job with overtime work Kid
Guaranteed Blind Product label Medical & Pharmaceutical
121 designs
USD 299
Bronze package purchased for USD 299
(including 99designs fees)
Anyone who is serious about playing videogames
Guaranteed Blind Product label Games & Recreational
20 designs
Bronze package purchased for $399
(including 99designs fees)
Our jam is aimed at a sophisticated market of 25+ year olds that enjoy the finer things in life, good food and good wine
Guaranteed Product label Food & Drink
260 designs
USD 299
Bronze package purchased for USD 299
(including 99designs fees)
Guaranteed Blind Product label Cosmetics & Beauty
31 designs
USD 499
Silver package purchased for USD 499
(including 99designs fees)
Our product is designed for both male and female individuals who lead active lifestyles. Our age range would be 18-70. T
Guaranteed Blind Product label Spa & Esthetics
93 designs
USD 299
Bronze package purchased for USD 299
(including 99designs fees)
Typical consumer is a budget aware drinker that wants quality at a low price. We seek to design a label that will be dis
Guaranteed Product label Food & Drink
137 designs
USD 299
Bronze package purchased for USD 299
(including 99designs fees)
Mostly women, but some men, ages 21 and up who spend time going out with friends to events, parties, etc.
Guaranteed Product label Food & Drink
92 designs
USD 299
Bronze package purchased for USD 299
(including 99designs fees)
Gender: Male & Female both but Female's more Location: In metro cities and specially for big Modern stores Age: All hous
Guaranteed Blind Product label Food & Drink
41 designs
CAD 399
Bronze package purchased for CAD 399
(including 99designs fees)
http://www.icpainc.org/category/upcoming-conferences/. Link to conference and theme. We are very boring compliance peo
Guaranteed Product label Business & Consulting
40 designs
USD 299
Bronze package purchased for USD 299
(including 99designs fees)
20-40-year-old women who take good care of their health and are very environmentally conscious. They are willing to pay
Guaranteed Product label Cosmetics & Beauty
265 designs
USD 299
Bronze package purchased for USD 299
(including 99designs fees)
Vegan World Wide Consumer
Guaranteed Product label Food & Drink
62 designs
EUR 729
Gold package purchased for EUR 729
(including 99designs fees)
Italians/foreigners, over 30, generally wealthy and interested in Traditional Italian recipes
Gold Blind Product label Food & Drink
26 designs
EUR 269
Bronze package purchased for EUR 269
(including 99designs fees)
This wine will be in a supermarket chain all over Europe and the target client will be both new wine consumer to experie
Guaranteed Blind Product label Food & Drink
24 designs
USD 499
Silver package purchased for USD 499
(including 99designs fees)
most likely female, 21-65 years
Guaranteed Blind Product label Food & Drink
52 designs
USD 299
Bronze package purchased for USD 299
(including 99designs fees)
Anyone who is a cold brew coffee lover would use our product for a better taste and experience than competitors.
Guaranteed Product label Food & Drink
67 designs
USD 299
Bronze package purchased for USD 299
(including 99designs fees)
A golfer for a natural snack
Guaranteed Product label
63 designs
USD 299
Bronze package purchased for USD 299
(including 99designs fees)
Both male and female who are cooking at home.
Guaranteed Blind Product label Food & Drink
15 designs
USD 299
Bronze package purchased for USD 299
(including 99designs fees)
Product is for kids age 3 to 11 so should be youthful, colorful, and playful
Guaranteed Blind Product label Games & Recreational
107 designs
USD 299
Bronze package purchased for USD 299
(including 99designs fees)
We sell to B2B and then they to B2C. Heath and Fitness Enthusiasts
Blind Fast-tracked Product label Cosmetics & Beauty
15 designs
USD 799
Gold package purchased for USD 799
(including 99designs fees)
Male/Female athletes, runners, seniors and anyone who has common aches and pains in joints and other common areas on the
Gold Guaranteed Fast-tracked Product label Medical & Pharmaceutical
101 designs
USD 799
Gold package purchased for USD 799
(including 99designs fees)
Male/Female ranging from teenagers with anxiety to seniors with chronic pain or athletes with sore joints and even your
Gold Guaranteed Fast-tracked Product label Medical & Pharmaceutical
46 designs
USD 299
Bronze package purchased for USD 299
(including 99designs fees)
The demographic we are trying to target is men and women from the ages of 18-40.
Guaranteed Product label Food & Drink
49 designs
EUR 269
Bronze package purchased for EUR 269
(including 99designs fees)
consumatore finale, enoteche e ristoranti, casa del vino. Un vino per tutti
Guaranteed Product label Agriculture
89 designs
USD 359
Bronze package purchased for USD 359
(including 99designs fees)
Women and men in the USA interested in organic, all natural alternatives to synthetic pharmaceutical medications. People
Guaranteed Blind Fast-tracked Product label Medical & Pharmaceutical
70 designs
USD 499
Silver package purchased for USD 499
(including 99designs fees)
Guaranteed Product label
43 designs
USD 299
Bronze package purchased for USD 299
(including 99designs fees)
Women interested in physical fitness
Guaranteed Product label Physical Fitness
123 designs
USD 499
Silver package purchased for USD 499
(including 99designs fees)
The people we want to reach is health conscious consumers who are looking for a natural and healthy product and giving t
Guaranteed Product label Food & Drink
47 designs